Ana Luisa Biography

I was born in Santiago, Chile in 1997, but i dont feel for this place because when i was 10 years old i and my family (mother, brother and father) go to live in Chillan, Coihueco. I studied in many schools because i didnt have good behavior. Every Schools when i studied have differents rules. First school was catholic, but not exaggeratedly like the second, in this school the women dont have opinion because like the catholic religion  it was very maly chauvinist. The last school belonged to freemasonry. I really like this school because we always had open mind, nevertheles, also chauvinist. 

When i finished the school and came back to Santiago to study History of Art in the Universidad De Chile, because in this country every thing is centralized.
When i finish my degree,  I will study to be a teacher and return to the south.

I love history of art, i think the picture that is a language more free than conventional language, is for this that i love the movies, the museums and photography. 
Also like because i like politics, and the art is political and i believe that is a place from reclaim to the women.

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